helloooooooooooo...everyone..finally aku berjaya lalui minggu yg plg worst dlm hidup aku
(23 mac-28mac 2009)..haha..lpas ni kite enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!...are u really sure sha???haha tentu la x..lpas ni kene fokus kt final exam lak...tp at least sume assignment aku dh abis except for strategic management yg kene anta report on 14th april...tp tu xpe..bleh diuruskn..haha..smlm presentation biz plan..and our biz is book shop cafe "KAIZEN LIVRO CAFE"msti ade yg plik dgn name book shop cafe ni..name ni aku and ameer yg pilih...ade combination 3 language kt situ..haha mantap x??(jepun:kaizen=continues improvement, france:livro=book, english:cafe=cafe la)...haha..ok mmg aku admit byk sgt masalah utk nk wat biz plan..actually biz plan ni kiteorg kene wat sbb ari tu kiteorg attend softskill workshop..workshop ni wajib kene attend..sume student accounting&business this year kene attend except for 1st year student...so in order to pass dis workshop we have to do biz plan...klu fail kiteorg x keh grad..and kiteorg kene buat blk..dah la wktu dpt task ni byk sgt assignment lain yg kene wat..so menambah la steress kiteorg..ade juge member2 batch aku yg postpone nk wat wktu final year nnti..tp aku fikir blk...klu wat taun dpn pun same gak so baik amik je dis year..huhu..so perjuangan pun bermula...mmg stress nk wat biz plan ni ditambah plak dgn internal problem yg group aku face lg la aku stress..tp x pe la...we have to be professional..besar mcm mane pun masalh bg aku biz plan ni kene settle gak within the time that given to us..aku percaye bnda ni x kn settle klu xde group member mcm korang sume (ameer,fiza,zul,tini,mina&sumie)...ok mase yg ditunggu pun tibe 28th march...kiteorg kene present biz plan dpn our lecturer..(miss sharmila) tp die ni x pnah ajar kiteorg so 1st time nk present dpn die..takut tu jgn ckp la..even bilik tu sejuk tp aku rase panas..abis kiteorg present..die tnye soalan ade 5 soalan aku rase die tnye..yg plg best sume org semangat nk jwb..lpas sorang jwb..org lain akn "may i add up something"...haha...lpas tu bile dh abis..part ni aku plg suke "your presentation is very good"..OMG serious x tau mcm mane nk describe my feeling wktu ni...huhu..wktu kiteorg salam dgn die..die siap ckp kiteorg sume ni "u are look so chill"..haha..die x tau dlm hati kiteorg ni takut allah je yg tau...anyway mmg best la..we did a good job...byk bnda yg aku blaja dr biz plan...teamwork..aku blaja mcm mane nk punctual...be a professional..control perasaan marah or sedih...and aku admit asignment ni juga membuatkn aku menangis..huhu..something happen..and it really hurts me..tp x pe la bnda dh lpas pun x yah nk ingat lg...abaikan je..go girl!!!!!!!!!!haha...ok la everybody cukup sampai sini kot.........daaaaaaaa
p/s:thank you very much to all my group member..all of u did a good job...thx coz appoint sha jd ketua...i learn a lot of thing by this assignment..utk zul even zul is our junior (2nd year student) but don't forget that u are actually older than us...oppppssss sorry bro!!!!!!!!haahaha
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