hari ni 1 jan 2009..hari pertama utk tahun 2009..eerrmmm so how about my resolutions???ntah la..at this time i have no idea..what should i do in this year..haha but actually i already plan several things that i should do maybe until july..haha..i would like to share my experience wktu celebrate new year semalam..celebrate???x celebrate pun sbnarnye..haha
syidah&aku mmg x suke pi tempat yg crowded mcm dataran merdeka or klcc lbih2 lg malam new year..confirm ramai org dgn mcm2 ragam..and we actually x plan pun nk kuar smlm even mcm bosan duk kt bilik without doing nothing..then wktu mkn jmpe fikah and we decide to watch movie..we have 2 option either to watch Australia or Bed Time Story..and we choose Australia..kiteorg tgk movie kt Mid..sbb kn kiteorg ajak Hafiz skali kiteorg kene tgk movie mid night coz hafiz keje smpai kul 10..first time tgk movie mid night..excited ade takut pun ade..haha..kiteorg smpai mid around 9.15pm mcm pelik gak coz x ramai org sgt kt mid parking pun byk kosong haha..mane pergi org2 ni??after amik tiket kiteorg pusing2 mid..then siap pi main game lg..haha..then bile dh nk dkat kul 12 kiteorg pi kuar dr mid nk tgk bunga api..wow best giler..tp bile fikir2 blk berape bnyk duit yg dieorg dh spend utk bnda2 mcm tu..eerrmm...
movie kiteorg start kul 12.30.."Australia" ramai gak org yg tgk citer tu..best citer tu just jln citer die sgt pnjang byngkan 3 jam...kul 3.30 pagi br kiteorg kuar dr mid..then kiteorg plan nk pi mkn kt MAMAK...on the way nk pi MAMAK ade accident kt tngah jln..teruk gak la accident tu..ade org meninggal mayat tu still ade atas jln wktu kiteorg cross tmpat tu...huhu..scary...then after tu fikah bawak kiteorg pi MAMAK kt jln telawi..WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!aku and syidah x comfortable kt situ and we change our mind and kiteorg blk makan KFC kt UM....tngah2 lepak kt kFC smbang2 and gossiping sume tibe ade mamat sorang ni mabuk agaknye melakukan bnyk perkare2 yg agak menakutkan so kiteorg decide trus blk UM..and finally alhamdulillah kiteorg selamat smpai UM tepat kul 5.10 pagi..
first time wat bnda2 mcm ni..huhu..tp best even just 4 of us..aku,fikah,syidah&hafiz singapore..
anyway salam maal hijrah&happy new year=)
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6 years ago
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